2.3.18. Installation of a head of the block of cylinders
For fastening of all connections of hoses use collars of the corresponding series.
At repair carefully remove the sealant remains from a head of the block of cylinders and the block of cylinders. Do not allow formation of long scratches or zadir.
Carefully remove the remains of a sandpaper and grinding.
New laying of a head of the block of cylinders should be taken out from packing just before installation.
It is necessary to handle with laying very with care. Damages of a silicone layer and gofrovy connections lead to tightness loss.
In deaf openings of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders there should not be an oil or cooling liquid.
It is allowed to scroll the engine only for the crankshaft in the direction of rotation (clockwise).
For a provorachivaniye of the engine install the central bolt on the crankshaft.
Combine a mark in a cam-shaft gear wheel with a mark in the protection cover of a gear belt.
Dredging stands vertically the friend opposite to the friend (fig. 2.153).
If the crankshaft was scrolled, bring the piston of the first cylinder into VMT and again slightly turn the crankshaft back.
Establish consolidation of a head of the block of cylinders.
Fig. 2.154. Centering pins in the block of cylinders
Pay attention to centering pins in the block of cylinders (fig. 2.154).
You monitor the adjusting provision of laying of GBTs; marking: number of a detail has to be read from an admission.
Establish a head of the block of cylinders.
Insert bolts of fastening of a head of the block and tighten them by hand.
Tighten bolts of fastening of GBTs in the shown sequence as follows:
Delay with the help of a dynamometer key.
1. stage: 40 N · m.
Further rotate a usual key.
Fig. 2.155. Sequence of tightening of bolts of fastening of GBTs
2. stage: 180 ° (1/2 about.) (it is possible 2x90 °) (fig. 2.155).
Dotyazhka of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders after repair work is not obligatory.
Establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
Establish a gear belt.
Establish poliklinovy a belt.
Establish an inlet pipe.
Establish brushes of screen wipers.
Remove air from a power supply system.
Check oil level.
Fill in cooling liquid.
Lower a support emphasis against a provorachivaniye at the expense of a body weight on the rubber buffer and tighten nuts (fig. 2.96).
Establish a casing of a front bumper.
Check adjustment of headlights.
For start of the engine do not use the charger there is a danger of damage of control units to the car.
Inhaling moments
* Replace a bolt or a nut.
** Establish on a carving varnish.
*** Grease adjusting pins of a final collector or a carving of the lyamda-probe with heat-resistant paste; heat-resistant paste.