2.3.16. Removal and installation of a cover of a head of the block of cylindersRemoval
Unscrew bolts 1.
Fig. 2.26. Tips of coils of ignition and bolts of fastening of a stage
Disconnect sockets 2 from coils of ignition and release a cable (fig. 2.26).
Remove ignition coils with output cascades a stripper.
Fig. 2.143. Highway of an adsorber and fastening of a valvate box
Disconnect the highway of an absorber from a cover of GBTs 1 (fig. 2.143).
Remove a valvate box from GBTs cover.
Fig. 2.144. Fastening of a tube of ventilation of a case
Turn off a tube of ventilation of a case of the engine from a turbocharger of 1 (fig. 2.144).
Disconnect the highway of an absorber to a turbocharger from GBTs 2 cover.
Turn off screws of fastening of a cover of GBTs, beginning from edges to the center.
Uncover GBTs.
Installation is carried out in the return sequence.
Fig. 2.145. Sequence of an inhaling of screws of fastening of a cover of GBTs
Replace laying of a cover of GBTs at damage.
Sequence of an inhaling of screws of fastening of a cover of GBTs
Check correctness of fastening of the top cover of a gear belt.
Inhaling moments:
– GBTs cover to GBTs – 10 N · m;
– a cover of a gear belt to the block of cylinders * – 10 N · m
* Establish on a carving varnish.