2.6.9. Removal and installation of nozzlesRemoval
Remove an inlet collector and a fuel stage.
Remove nozzles if they remained in a fuel stage
Carefully take nozzles from a fuel stage.
Remove nozzles if they remained in a head of the block of cylinders
Remove an inlet collector and a fuel stage.
Fig. 2.238. Fuel nozzle: 1 – the radial compensator, replace at damage; 2 – replace consolidation of the combustion chamber (a teflon sealing ring); it is not allowed that at installation the ring was covered with jellied or any other lubricant; 3 – deepening on a nozzle; 4 – an expansion ring (replace at damage); 5 – a sealing ring (replace, at installation slightly oil pure engine); 6 – a basic ring (the fuel stage transmits effort which holds a nozzle in a head of the block of cylinders through this basic ring)
At the established nozzle the radial compensator is attached by a clip 1 to a basic ring of 6 (fig. 2.238). For removal of a nozzle it is necessary to remove a basic ring from a nozzle that it was possible to enter a stripper into deepening on a nozzle 3.
Close open inlet channels a pure rag.
Disconnect electric shtekerny connection on the sorted nozzle.
Unbend in the parties by means of the screw-driver the fixing ledges of the radial compensator and pull together a basic ring from a nozzle (fig. 2.239).
Fig. 2.240. Installation of a beater with a stripper
Further enter a stripper into deepening on a nozzle and carefully beat out a nozzle. As a result, perhaps, the radial compensator (breakage of the fixing ledges) will be damaged. It needs to be replaced at the subsequent installation of a nozzle.
Consolidation of the combustion chamber is surely replaced before new installation of a nozzle.