8.3.3. Preparation for glass installation
If at removal of glass the paint and varnish covering of a frame of glass on a body is damaged, then its structure needs to be restored and if necessary take measures for anticorrosive protection as directed of volume "technology of processing surfaces / chemicals".
At repeated installation of the intact glass exactly cut off the glue-sealant which remained on glass and a frame of glass an electroknife and a knife scraper, but do not delete completely at all.
The remained layer serves as jet soil for drawing a new layer of glue-sealant.
Protect a sticky surface from dirt and oil.
Cut off the remains of glue just before glass installation.
Do not process the surface of glue connection by either a primer, or a cleaner.
At installation of new glass
Purify glass in a gluing zone by means of D 009 401 04 and process a primer for glass and a varnish of D 009 200 02.
Drawing primer
Put a primer with the 2nd applicator 1 evenly on perimeter in one calling (fig. 8.97).
To begin drawing by means of the impregnated felt. Time of drying makes about 10 min.
Primer width, pribliblizitelny size, and = 20 mm
The primer has to settle down on the center of rather glue roller.
Fig. 8.98. The sizes for putting glue: 1 – glue roller; 2 – primer; 3 – washer
The ceramic covering on glass is not a primer.
Surely process a surface before putting glue-sealant a primer.
Roller a width = 8 ±2 mm
Roller b height = 12 +3 mm
The size with – it is necessary to consider various distance to the edge of glass.