Service of Audi A4 from 2001 to 2005 release.
1. Operation and maintenance of the car
2. Engine
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
8.1. Hinged elements of a body
8.2. Doors, locks of doors and hatch of a roof
8.3. Body glazing
8.3.1. Removal and installation of the sensor of a rain
8.3.2. Removal of a windshield
8.3.3. Preparation for glass installation
8.3.4. Installation of a windshield
8.3.5. Removal of the intact side glass
8.3.6. Preparation for glass installation
8.3.7. Installation of side glass
8.3.8. Removal of the intact back glass
8.3.9. Removal of the broken back glass
8.3.10. Preparation for glass installation
8.3.11. Installation of back glass
9. Schemes of electric equipment


8.3.10. Preparation for glass installation

If at removal of glass the paint and varnish covering of a frame of glass on a body is damaged, then its structure needs to be restored and if necessary to take measures for anticorrosive protection.
Consider various remote emphasis for standard and atermalny glass.
Paste on back glass the lower remote emphasis according to markings.

Fig. 8.119. Scheme of laying of a profile

The profile for a protection of glue 2 should be established on the left side on the center on antenna wires near combined tires of heating of back glass (fig. 8.119).
On the right paste an internal edge of a profile on the external national team of the tire of heating of back glass.

If at glass installation glue-sealant comes out from under bottom edge of glass, it should be removed immediately.

Glue for glass should not adjoin to antenna wires or combined tires of heating of glass at all.

In case of absence of damage as a result of glass removal
At repeated installation of the intact glass exactly cut off the glue-sealant which remained on glass and a frame of glass an electroknife and a knife scraper, but do not delete completely at all.
The remained layer serves as jet soil for drawing a new layer of glue-sealant.

Protect a sticky surface from dirt and oil.
Cut off the remains of glue just before glass installation.
Do not process the surface of glue connection by either a primer, or a cleaner.

At installation of new glass
Purify glass in a gluing zone by means of D 009 401 04 and process a primer for glass and a varnish of D 009 200 02.

Drawing primer

Fig. 8.97. Drawing primer

Put a primer with the 2nd applicator 1 evenly on perimeter in one calling (fig. 8.97).
Begin drawing by means of the impregnated felt. Time of drying makes about 10 min.
Primer width, approximate size, and = 20 mm.
The primer has to settle down on the center of rather glue roller.

The ceramic covering on glass is not a primer. Surely process a surface before putting glue-sealant a primer.

Correct a strip of a primer only after its drying.
Roller a width = 8 ± 2 mm
Roller b height = 12 + 3 mm
The size c = consider various distance to the edge of glass.

Fig. 8.120. The sizes for putting glue: 1 – glue roller; 2 – primer; 3 – washer

8.3.9. Removal of the broken back glass

8.3.11. Installation of back glass