Service of Audi A4 from 2001 to 2005 release.
1. Operation and maintenance of the car
2. Engine
2.1. General information
2.2. Predvaritlny checks
2.3. Mekhanichsky part (petrol engines 2,0l)
2.4. Lubrication system
2.5. Cooling system
2.6. System of injection
2.7. System of production of the fulfilled gases
2.8. Mechanical part (petrol engines 3,0; 3,2 l)
2.8.1. Number of the engine
2.8.2. Removal and installation of a poliklinovy belt
2.8.3. Removal and installation of a damper of tortional fluctuations
2.8.4. Removal and installation of a forward sealing flange of the crankshaft with a crankshaft epiploon
2.8.5. Removal and installation of a two-mass flywheel (cars from the manual transmission)
2.8.6. Removal and a press fitting of the needle bearing of a two-mass flywheel (cars from the manual transmission)
2.8.7. Removal and installation of the conducted disk (cars with the automatic transmission)
2.8.8. Replacement of an epiploon of the crankshaft from the chain drive
2.8.9. Removal and installation of the left and right covers of driving chains
2.8.10. Removal and installation of the lower cover of a driving chain
2.8.11. Camshaft drive
2.8.12. Removal of the chain drive from cam-shafts, removal and installation of a natyazhitel of a chain
2.8.13. Removal and installation of a chain of the drive of the oil pump and balancer shaft
2.8.14. Removal and installation of the balancer shaft
2.8.15. Removal and installation of a bent shaft
2.8.16. Conrod and piston group
2.8.17. Check of a radial gap of rods
2.8.18. Check of a compression
2.8.19. Removal and installation of cam-shafts
2.8.20. Replacement of oil scraper caps
2.8.21. Check of basic elements with hydrocompensators
2.8.22. Check of the directing plugs of valves
2.9. Mechanical part (petrol engines of 4,2 l)
2.10. Mechanical part (diesel engines of 2,0 l)
2.11. Tables
3. Transmission
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Schemes of electric equipment


2.8.12. Removal of the chain drive from cam-shafts, removal and installation of a natyazhitel of a chain

Uncover GBTs.

The subsequent description assumes that driving chains of cam-shafts remain on the engine. If it is necessary remove driving chains of cam-shafts in a complex, it is necessary to remove the lower cover of the chain drive in addition.

Uncover left and right a driving chain.

Fig. 2.44. Bolts of an exhaust pipe of an independent additional heater

On cars with an autonomous heater unscrew bolts of an exhaust pipe of an autonomous / additional heater on the noise-insulating screen (fig. 2.44).

Fig. 2.45. Fastening of a forward noise isolation

Turn off clamps 1 and 2 and remove the forward noise-insulating screen (fig. 2.45). The back noise-insulating screen remains established.

Fig. 2.345. Installation of the directing finger in the adapter

Implant the directing adapter finger so that bigger diameter 1 was directed to the engine. Smaller diameter 2 is directed to the adapter (fig. 2.345).

Fig. 2.346. Provorachivaniye of the crankshaft by means of the adapter

Turn the crankshaft by means of the adapter in the direction of rotation of the engine to VMT (fig. 2.346).

Fig. 2.347. Provision of carving openings

Carving openings in cam-shafts have to be sent (fig. 2.347) up.

Fig. 2.348. Installation of clamps of cam-shafts

Establish clamps of cam-shafts on both GBTs and tighten bolts with the moment of 20 N · m (fig. 2.348).
The clamp of a cam-shaft is established correctly if the openings sent to bolts to GBTs remain free.
Turn off the left and right support of the stabilizer.

Fig. 2.349. Lock bolt of the block of cylinders

Unscrew a lock bolt from the block of cylinders (fig. 2.349).

Groping VMT opening, the crankshaft not to scroll.

Fig. 2.350. Installation of the fixing bolt

Twist the fixing bolt with the moment of 10 N · m in an opening 1, if necessary – for full centering of a bolt – twist the crankshaft in both directions (fig. 2.350) a little.
Mark with paint the direction of the course of the left driving chain of cam-shafts.

Fig. 2.351. Phase shifter bolts

Unscrew bolts 1 and 2 phase shifters by means of a nozzle (fig. 2.351).
Remove both phase shifters.

Fig. 2.352. Bolts of fastening of a natyazhitel of a chain

Unscrew bolts 1 and 2 and remove a natyazhitel of a chain (fig. 2.352).
Mark with paint the direction of the course of the right driving chain of cam-shafts.

Fig. 2.353. Phase shifter bolts

Unscrew bolts 1 and 2 phase shifters by means of a nozzle (fig. 2.353).
Remove both phase shifters.

Fig. 2.354. Bolts of fastening of a natyazhitel of a chain

Unscrew bolts 1 and 2 and remove a natyazhitel of a chain (fig. 2.354).

The chain drive is installed.

Replace the bolts/screws tightened on a certain corner, and also sealing rings, manzhetny consolidations and laying.
When scrolling a cam-shaft any of pistons should not is in VMT. Danger of damage of the valves/bottom of the piston.

The crankshaft is fixed by the fixing bolt in VMT (fig. 2.350).
Clamps of cam-shafts are established on both GBTs and m (fig. 2.348) are tightened with the moment of 20 N ·.
Completely unload a level of an uspokoitel of a natyazhitel of the left and right chain drives of cam-shafts.

Fig. 2.355. Piston of a tension element

The piston of a tension element 1 has to be put forward up to the end, thus its clamp will be unblocked – for this purpose the natyazhitel of a chain has to be removed (fig. 2.355).

If it is necessary to take a tension element from a natyazhitel of a chain, it is necessary to consider Adjusting situation: the opening is sent to the bottom of the case to a natyazhitel of a chain, the piston is directed to a level of a natyazhitel.

Fig. 2.356. Removal of a natyazhitel by means of a pin

Press a level of an uspokoitel of a natyazhitel of the right and left chain drives of cam-shafts inside against the stop and remove a natyazhitel by means of a pin (fig. 2.356).
If necessary clear a mesh oil filter 3 in both natyazhitel.

Fig. 2.357. Installation of new laying

Establish new laying 2 behind on a natyazhitel of a chain of 1 (fig. 2.357).
Establish a natyazhitel of a chain on the left GBTs and put on a chain of the drive of cam-shafts, as shown in the figure 2.352.
Tighten bolts 1 and 2.
Replace bolts of cam-shafts.
Put on a cam-shaft drive chain an asterisk of the drive and phase shifters and twist, without tightening, bolts of 1 and 2 (fig. 2.351).
Both phase shifters have to be possible turn on a cam-shaft, they should not be warped.
Remove a pin.
Establish a natyazhitel of a chain on the right GBTs and put on a cam-shaft drive chain, as shown in the figure 2.354.
Tighten bolts 1 and 2.
Replace bolts of cam-shafts.
Put on a cam-shaft drive chain an asterisk of the drive and phase shifters and twist, without tightening, bolts of 1 and 2 (fig. 2.353).
Both phase shifters have to be possible turn on a cam-shaft, they should not be warped.
Remove a pin.
Install a countersupport with a bolt on the phase shifter of the left inlet cam-shaft.

Fig. 2.358. Cam-shaft drive chain tension

Previously pull a cam-shaft drive chain, having pressed a countersupport in the direction of an arrow (fig. 2.358).
At the same time previously tighten a cam-shaft bolt by means of a nozzle and a dynamometer key.
Inhaling moment: 40 N · m.
Hold an inlet cam-shaft in a condition of a preliminary tension and previously tighten a bolt of 1 final cam-shaft.
Inhaling moment: 40 N · m.
Tighten bolts of cam-shafts of 1 and 2 left GBTs (fig. 2.351).
Inhaling moment: 80 N · + to tighten m on +90 ° (1/4 about.).
Install a countersupport with a bolt on the phase shifter of the right final cam-shaft.

Fig. 2.359. Cam-shaft drive chain tension

Previously pull a cam-shaft drive chain, having pressed a countersupport in the direction of an arrow (fig. 2.359).
At the same time previously tighten a cam-shaft bolt by means of a nozzle and a dynamometer key.
Inhaling moment: 40 N · m.
Hold a final cam-shaft in a condition of a preliminary tension and previously tighten a bolt of 1 inlet cam-shaft.
Inhaling moment: 40 N · m.
Tighten bolts of cam-shafts of 1 and 2 right GBTs (fig. 2.353).
Inhaling moment: 80 N · + to tighten m on +90 ° (1/4 about.).
Remove clamps of cam-shafts from both GBTs (fig. 2.348).
Remove the fixing bolt of the crankshaft (fig. 2.350).
Turn the crankshaft by means of the adapter on 2 turns in the direction of rotation of the engine until the crankshaft reaches VMT again.

If by mistake the crankshaft slipped the provision of VMT, it is necessary to return it back approximately on 30 ° and again bring to VMT (fig. 2.346).

Carving openings in cam-shafts have to be sent (fig. 2.347) up.
Establish clamps of cam-shafts on both GBTs and tighten bolts with the moment of 20 N · m.
The clamp of a cam-shaft is established correctly if the openings sent to bolts to GBTs remain free (fig. 2.348).
Twist the fixing bolt accurately in an opening (fig. 2.350).
The fixing bolt has to enter an opening on the crankshaft 1, otherwise repeat adjustment.
Remove clamps of cam-shafts from both GBTs.
Remove the fixing crankshaft bolt.
Twist a carving stopper of mark VMT with a new sealing ring in the block of cylinders (fig. 2.349).
Further installation is carried out in the return sequence.
Install the stabilizer.
Establish the left and right covers of a driving chain.
Establish GBTs covers.

Inhaling moments
Natyazhitel of a chain to GBTs: 9 N · m.
Bolts распредвалов*: 80 N · m +90 ° **
Carving stopper in the block of cylinders ***: 14 N · m.
* Replace bolts.
** 90 ° there correspond quarters of a turn.
*** Establish with a new sealing ring.

2.8.11. Camshaft drive

2.8.13. Removal and installation of a chain of the drive of the oil pump and balancer shaft