4.1.26. Instructions on replacement and installation of wheels
The turnkey size of the enclosed adapter for wheel bolts can differ from the key size in a set of adapters.
For ceramic brakes sharp contact of a wheel with a brake disk as it leads to ineradicable damage of a disk is not allowed. For dismantle / installation of a wheel twist in openings for wheel bolts, instead of wheel bolts, a long core in the top position (poses. 12 h) and, for support, a short core. Then at installation / dismantle the wheel can slide on these guides.
Lift the car only with use of the fastening points intended for this purpose.
Remove caps of wheel bolts in cars with light-alloy wheels not by means of the screw-driver, and with use of the special tool (a removable hook in the onboard tool).
Apply face keys with the correct solution to twisting of wheel bolts. It is forbidden to use the carried face keys.
Do not apply to removal of wheel bolts-sekretok (the locked wheel bolts) shock винтоверт.
Do not pollute wheel bolts.
Reliability of fastening of wheel bolts and wheels can be guaranteed only when performing the following checks and instructions.
The following operations have to be performed at the dismantled wheel (disk).
Check that on contact surfaces of a brake disk / nave or a brake disk / reel and a wheel (rim) there are no traces of corrosion and pollution.
In the presence – remove lubricants and corrosion.
Check that the centering opening of a wheel (disk) and the aligning elements of a nave of a wheel are cleared of corrosion and pollution.
Remove, in the presence, oil, dirt, corrosion and to put with wax spray anticorrosive protection in the field of centering.
Hit of wax spray on a detail of the brake system is not allowed.
If at dismantle between a brake disk and a nave of a wheel the rust or dirt got, then it needs to be removed with compressed air.
During the works with compressed air put on goggles.
Spherical nests of wheels (disks) and wheel bolts have to be cleared of corrosion and pollution.
Clear the polluted spherical nests of wheels (disks) not fleecy rag.
Check purity of wheel bolts and a carving on a wheel nave.
Clean the polluted wheel bolts in the field of a hemisphere and a carving, for example, a brass brush.
Replace strongly corroded and damaged wheel bolts.
At reuse of slightly corroded wheel bolts they need to be cleaned in the field of a hemisphere and a carving and to apply on the surfaces of sliding Optimol TA paste as follows (all cars, except RS 2 and RS 4, type 8D) (fig. 4.31).
A – Integral wheel bolt. To grease with a thin layer area of a carving 2 and a hemisphere 1.
B – Wheel bolt demountable. To grease with a thin layer area of a carving 3 and between a surface of a prileganiye of a head of a bolt 6 and a ring of a hemisphere 5. The surface of a prileganiye of a hemisphere 4 to a wheel (disk) cannot be greased.
It is allowed to use only Optimol TA paste. Hit of paste on a detail of the brake system is not allowed.
Replacement of a wheel (only for RS 2 and RS 4 type 8D)
Slightly corroded wheel bolts should not be cleaned and greased. These wheel bolts are subject to obligatory replacement.
Twist only dry wheel bolts.
Continuation of the description of works for all cars
Check that wheel bolts are easily wrapped by a hand. At installation of a wheel wheel bolts have to be twisted easily at all length of a carving.
Pay attention to coaxiality of a carving of a nave. The contact of a carving of wheel bolts of an opening of a brake disk is not allowed.
If the carving of a wheel bolt concerned an opening, it is necessary to turn a brake disk as appropriate.
Installation of a wheel
Put on a wheel a nave and to fix by hand two opposite wheel bolts.
Twist by hand other wheel bolts, at the same time the course of bolts has to be free. Pay attention to exact centering.
Unload a wheel, having slightly raised it, and easily, by hand, tighten two wheel bolts.
Evenly twist all wheel bolts at installation.
Tighten wheel bolts, for example, by means of a cross-shaped key cross-wise with the moment of 50 N · m.
Lower the car and tighten all wheel bolts cross-wise with the ordered inhaling moment.
For installation of wheels do not use a shock gaykovert.
Lower the car on wheels.
The inhaling moments for wheel bolts