1.3.5. On-board computerThe on-board computer analyzes and brings to the display of value of a stock of the course on fuel, time in way, average fuel consumption, average speed, fuel consumption at present and the passable way.
The on-board computer analyzes and brings following data to the FIS display.
Fig. 1.51. Indication of the current fuel consumption on-board computer
6 types of information (a course stock on fuel, time in way, average fuel consumption, average speed, the current fuel consumption and the passable way) are brought to the FIS display in the above-stated sequence (fig. 1.51).
All an indicator (average fuel consumption and the current fuel consumption, a course stock on fuel, the passable way and average speed and fuel consumption at present) are displayed in metric, and in certain export options in the English system of units.
Memory device
The on-board computer is completed with two automatically working memory devices.
Indication of level of the memory device which is switched on at present is brought to the display in the form of inverse (negative) number. Emergence on the display of figure 1 means a conclusion of data of the single memory device (a cell of memory 1) (fig. 1.52). Emergence on the display of figure 2 means a conclusion of data of the general memory device (a cell of memory 2).
Single memory device
The single memory device accumulates information from the moment of inclusion of ignition until its switching off. At renewal of the movement during 2 h after switching off of ignition new values are added to already saved up information. At a break of the movement more than 2 h there is an automatic dumping of data of the memory device.
General memory device
Automatic dumping of data of memory of the general memory device is impossible. It differs in it from the single memory device. Thanks to it it is possible to establish a time interval of the analysis of information or data.
Control of the on-board computer
Control of the on-board computer is exercised of two switches mounted in the handle of management of a screen wiper.
Selection of functions
Press the top or lower party of the switch of functions A (fig. 1.53). There is a consecutive conclusion to the display of 6 functions of the on-board computer.
Fig. 1.53. Governing bodies of the on-board computer
Installation of zero values
You will choose urgent function.
Press and hold at least one second the button of dumping ("RESET") B (fig. 1.53).
The button of dumping it is possible to nullify the following values:
– time in way;
– average fuel consumption;
– average speed of the movement;
– the passable way.
The on-board computer works only at the included ignition. At inclusion of ignition the last is brought to the display at the time of switching off of ignition function. Short pressing of the switch of functions A or buttons of dumping In it is possible to turn off also indication of a reminder on need of a break of the movement
At a detachment of plugs of the accumulator all saved-up values are erased.
Course stock on fuel
This indication helps when planning.
On the display indication of a stock of the course in kilometers appears. This indication shows how many kilometers the car still can pass on the actual rest of fuel in this mode of the movement. The course stock is determined by fuel by the discrete values counted by steps on 10 km.
Calculations of a stock of the course fuel consumption on the last 30 km of a way is assumed as a basis. At more economic subsequent movement the stock of the course increases.
Time in way
Indication of time in way reminds of need of a break for the movement.
Time in way with counting from the moment of the last dumping of data of memory of the memory device is brought to the display. At desire to reckon time in way from a certain moment, clear memory pressing of the RESET button.
Single memory device
If the break of the movement makes more than two hours, then there is an automatic dumping of indication of time into ways.
General memory device
Value of time in way remains at the switched-off ignition. At continuation of the movement the subsequent time of the movement is added to it.
Reminder on need of a break for the movement
In two hours after a start of motion, irrespective of the programmed function, there is an automatic switching to time display in way. The blinking indication of a look 2:00 reminds the driver of need to take a break in the movement.
Short-term pressing the top or lower party of the switch of functions or the RESET button this indication can be switched off.
At continuation of the movement or if the break makes less than 10 min., then in each next two hours the reminder on need to stop for rest will repeat with indication of time in a way of a look 4:00, 6:00, etc. Lasting break more than 10 min. to the switched-off ignition there is a dumping of data of counting of time into ways.
Average fuel consumption
This indication helps when planning the movement.
The average fuel consumption in liters on 100 km calculated from the moment of the last dumping of data of memory is brought to the display of the display. By means of this indication it is possible to choose the mode of the movement corresponding to optimum fuel consumption. At desire of determination of average fuel consumption anew it is necessary to carry out dumping of data of memory pressing of the RESET button. At journey of the first 30 m after dumping zero value is brought to the display.
Single memory device
If the break of the movement makes more than 2 h, then there is an automatic dumping of data of average fuel consumption.
General memory device
At the switched-off ignition value of average fuel consumption remains in memory. At continuation of the movement data of the subsequent expense are considered.
Management of the menu
Fig. 1.54. RESET button and switch of functions
The RESET button and the switch of functions of the handle of a screen wiper it is possible to cause indication of the menu, to read out data and to carry out control (fig. 1.54).
Menu call
Press the RESET button so often, indication of the menu will not appear yet.
Selection and control
For management of indication of the menu press the switch of functions. Switching is carried out similar to indication (forward/back).
Input and confirmation
Press the RESET button.
Pressing of the switch of functions makes selection of indication of the menu / possibly change of settings. The chosen parameters are allocated with a red background.
Pressing of the RESET button the chosen function / joins the set parameters are confirmed. The chosen functions are marked with "tick".
Types of indication
The initial FIS menu gives the chance of selection of 4 types of indication.
To four types of indication of the initial menu there correspond the functions which are listed below.
"Einstellen" (control, installation)
– "Standheizung/-Ltiftung" (an autonomous heater / fan).
– "Uhr" (hours).
– "Computer" (computer).
– "Tempoalarm" ("Geschwindig-keitswarnung)" (speeding alarm system).
– "Reifendmckwarnung" (the air pressure control system in tires).
– "Radioanzeige" (inclusion/switching off).
– "Sprache" (language).
– "Einheiten" (switching of units of measure of the passable way, an expense, the time zone, temperature).
"Abfragen" (inquiry)
– "Service" (maintenance).
– "Menu aus" (switching off of the menu).
On the display there is a usual indication, as well as on cars without indication of the menu.
"Hilfe" (help)
This function will help to choose and enter necessary teams (fig. 1.55) correctly.
Function of the help is caused as follows.
Press the RESET button. There is an initial menu.
As the switch of functions choose the Hilfe function (help).
Confirm selection with pressing of the RESET button.
For an exit from the menu of the help press the RESET button again.
The Hilfe menu (help) serves only for information. Control in this menu is not represented possible.
Management of the menu
The RESET button and the switch of functions of the handle of a screen wiper it is possible to cause indication of the menu, to read out data and to carry out control.
Menu call
Press the RESET button so often, indication of the menu will not appear yet.
Selection and control
For management of indication of the menu press the switch of functions A (fig. 1.56). Switching is carried out similar to indication (forward/back).
Fig. 1.56. RESET button and switch of functions
Input and confirmation
Press the RESET button.
Pressing of the switch of functions makes selection of indication of the menu / possibly change of settings. The chosen parameters are allocated with a red background.
Pressing of the RESET button the chosen function / joins the set parameters are confirmed. The chosen functions are marked with "tick".
Function of the help is caused as follows.
Press the RESET button. There is an initial menu.
As the switch of functions choose the Hilfe function (help).
Confirm selection with pressing of the RESET button.
For an exit from the menu of the help press the RESET button again.
The Hilfe menu (help) serves only for information. Control in this menu is not represented possible.
Process of control (part 1)
Control is carried out through teams of the menu (fig. 1.58).
Process of control is carried out as follows.
Press the RESET button. There is an initial menu (fig. 1.58).
Press the switch of functions so often, "Einstellen" (control) (fig. 1.59) will not appear yet.
Press the RESET button. There is a list of the menu.
Mark with pressing of the RESET button an urgent line (a red background).
Press the RESET button.
Selection and confirmation of a symbol (the following page) or (the previous page) if necessary scrolling of the menu is possible.
At selection and confirmation by pressing of the RESET button of the Computer menu two levels of the Computer menu (Computer 1 and Computer 2) appear. You need to choose as the switch of functions appropriate level again and confirm selection with pressing of the RESET button.
Process of control (part 2)
To continue control process as follows.
Fig. 1.60. The line "Reichweite" is chosen the Computer 1 menu (a course stock on fuel)
As pressing of the switch of functions choose an urgent line (a red background) (fig. 1.60).
The chosen function joins (pressing of the RESET button) installation in a tick small square ("yes"), and is switched off (pressing of the RESET button) by retracting a tick ("no").
Fig. 1.61. The Computer 1 menu, chose the command of "Zuriick" (back)
Press the switch of functions so often, yet do not choose "Zuriick" (back) and press the RESET button to return on higher level of the menu (fig. 1.61).
Some types of control require input of numerical values, for example, at installation of date. It is also carried out by pressing of the switch of functions.
Functional example (part 1)
The given example is set by the full process of control which is carried out through teams of the menu.
If it is necessary to determine, for example, calendar date, then for this purpose it is necessary to press the RESET button. There is an initial menu.
Fig. 1.62. The initial menu, the line "Einstellen" is chosen
Press the switch of functions indication of "Einstellen" (control) (fig. 1.62) will not appear yet.
Press the RESET button. There is a list of a submenu of "Einstellen" (control).
Fig. 1.63. The line "Uhr" is chosen the Einstellen menu
Press the switch of functions, indication of "Uhr" (hours) (fig. 1.63) will not appear yet.
Press the RESET button. There is a menu of the Uhr control (hours).
Functional example (part 2)
Continue process of control of date as follows.
Fig. 1.64. The line "Datum" is chosen the Uhr menu
Press the switch of functions so often, indication of "Datum" (date) (fig. 1.64) will not appear yet.
If indication of "Datum" is faced by an empty small square, press the RESET button. Now in a small square the tick has to appear.
Press the switch of functions so often, indication of date will not appear yet. Press the RESET button. Indication of day (fig. 1.65) begins to blink.
Establish by pressing the top/lower party of the switch of functions the correct numerical value of day. Press the RESET button. Now indication of month blinks.
In the same way establish if necessary month and year.
Functional example (part 3)
Fig. 1.66. The Uhr menu, chose the command of "Zuriick"
For an exit from the menu of control of date it is necessary to press the switch of functions so often, indication of "Zuriick" will not appear (back) (fig. 1.66) yet.
Press the RESET button. Again there is an Einstellen menu (control).
Again press the RESET button. Again there is an initial menu.