Service of Audi A4 from 2001 to 2005 release.
1. Operation and maintenance of the car
2. Engine
3. Transmission
3.1. Coupling
3.2. Mechanical transmission
3.2.1. Six-speed transmission 0A3 (four-wheel drive)
3.2.2. Six-speed transmission 01E/0A1 (forward drive)
3.2.3. General recommendations about prevention and repair of mechanical transmissions
3.2.4. Check of level of gearbox oil in the mechanical transmission
3.2.5. Removal and installation of a knob with a cover
3.2.6. Removal and installation of the drive of gear shifting
3.2.7. Adjustment of the drive of gear shifting
3.2.8. Removal and installation of a pillow of the transmission
3.2.9. Removal and installation of lock plugs of a shaft of gear shifting at the installed transmission
3.2.10. Removal of switches of lamps of a backing
3.3. Automatic transmission
3.4. Driving mechanism
3.5. Tables
4. Running gear
5. Steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. Onboard electric equipment
8. Body
9. Schemes of electric equipment


3.2.9. Removal and installation of lock plugs of a shaft of gear shifting at the installed transmission

On cars with an autonomous heater turn off bolts of an exhaust pipe of an autonomous/additional heater on the noise-insulating screen.

Fig. 3.1. Fastening of a noise isolation

Weaken clamps 1–3 and remove the forward and back noise-insulating screen (fig. 3.1).
Disconnect the shtekerny socket 1 from the switch of lamps of a backing.

Fig. 3.74. Arm of the highway of coupling and shtekerny socket of the switch of lamps of a backing

In the presence of an arm of the highway of coupling 2 turn off a bolt and remove an arm (fig. 3.74).
Screw the running screw of the universal tool in the stripper handle.
Establish a stripper on the lock plug (arrow A).
Fix a stripper, having installed against the stop the plug.

Fig. 3.75. Removal of the lock plug

Beat out the lock plug by means of the universal tool in the direction (fig. 3.75) up.

In the same way remove the lock plug (arrow B) (fig. 3.75).

Oil gearbox a pin of lock plugs and an opening in the check point a little.
Insert the lock plug (arrow A) into a stripper and put on from above the fixing plug.
Install the lock plug against the stop in the check point by means of the universal tool (fig. 3.75).

Make sure that lock plugs are installed without distortion.

In the same way install the lock plug (arrow B).
In the presence of an arm of the highway of coupling 2 tighten it together with a connecting cable (fig. 3.74).
Connect the shtekerny socket 1 to the switch of lamps of a backing.
Install noise-insulating screens.

Inhaling moment
Connecting cable with an arm of the highway of coupling at the check point: 23 N · m.

3.2.8. Removal and installation of a pillow of the transmission

3.2.10. Removal of switches of lamps of a backing