3.2.4. Check of level of gearbox oil in the mechanical transmission
When checking level of gearbox oil the car has to be in horizontal position.
Operating procedure
For check of level of gearbox oil turn off a stopper of a maslozalivny mouth (fig. 3.51).
Check oil level self-made adaptation, for example, by means of the twisted wire.
Oil level in the check point with alphabetic reference of GYH
Preset value: level of oil is normal if reaches bottom edge of a maslozalivny opening of the check point.
Oil level in the check point with other alphabetic references
Preset value: oil level on 2 ±1 mm is lower than bottom edge of a maslozalivny opening.
If necessary add gearbox oil.
Wrap a stopper of a maslozalivny mouth.
Inhaling moment
Stopper of a maslozalivny mouth: 40 N · m.