6.4.8. Removal and installation of a rotor on a back axis
Fig. 6.88. ABS system components on a back axis (four-wheel drive): 1 – back brake support; 2 – wheel nave; 3 – a bolt with a fillet; 4 – brake disk; 5 – wheel bolt; 6 – wheel bearing; 7 – case of the wheel bearing; 8 – rotation frequency sensor; 9 – a bolt with an internal hexagon; 10 – a power shaft with a rotor; 11 – bolt, 75 N · m
Lift the car.
Turn off a wheel.
Turn off a brake support
Suspend a brake support, having fixed it on a body.
Check a rotor for existence of pollution and damages.
If the rotor has damages, then it is necessary to remove and replace a wheel nave with a rotor.
Installation is carried out in the return sequence.
Again lay a rotation frequency sensor wire how it lay before removal.
Grease a sealing ring of the sensor of frequency of rotation before installation on perimeter with plastic lubricant.
Removal and installation of the sensor of frequency of rotation on a back axis (four-wheel drive)
Weaken wheel bolts.
Lift the car.
Remove a wheel.
Switch off ignition.
Fig. 6.89. Sensor of frequency of rotation (four-wheel drive)
Take the rotation frequency sensor from a rotary fist.
Unscrew the Torx 3 screw and take the holder of a cable
Unscrew the Torx 2 screw and take the holder of a cable
Release a rotation frequency sensor wire from holders.
Fig. 6.86. Fastening of an overlay of the bottom
Take from fastening a seat in a back part of a body.
Fig. 6.87. The holder of a cable I will also corrode rotation frequency sensor wires
Remove the holder of a cable, disconnect the socket of 1 wire of the sensor of frequency of rotation and to squeeze out a nozzle (from the left and right side an arrangement mirror) (fig. 6.87).
Installation is carried out in the return sequence.
Grease a sealing ring of the sensor of frequency of rotation before installation on perimeter with plastic lubricant.
Check of a rotor on a back axis
Lift the car.
Turn off a wheel.
Take the rotation frequency sensor from a rotary fist.
Check a rotor for existence of pollution and damages.