3.4.5. Assembly of the tripoidny AAR 2600i or 3300i hingeEstablish a new protective cover of the hinge on a power shaft.
Napressuyte a lock ring 1 to the middle of teeths (fig. 3.131).
Instead of assembly T10065/2 adaptation it is necessary to use, depending on execution of a power shaft, T10065/3.
Napressuyte an asterisk on a power shaft
The facet on an asterisk is turned to a power shaft, it serves for convenience of assembly.
Before montazhy hinge or asterisk of the tripoidny hinge teeths And
Fig. 3.111. A facet on an asterisk of the Tripod hinge
it is necessary to cover with a thin layer of the lubricant used for the hinge (fig. 3.111).
Establish an asterisk of the tripoidny hinge on a shaft according to a mark and spread against the stop.
Fig. 3.133. Installation of an asterisk of the tripoidny hinge on a shaft
The submitted figure 3.133 concerns only privodny the shaft having a cone on the end.
Use the special tools presented in the drawing.
The special T10065/2 tool cannot be rested against a swing body
Fig. 3.134. Installation of an asterisk of the tripoidny hinge on a shaft
The submitted figure 3.134 concerns only power shafts having the cylindrical end.
Use the special tools presented in the drawing.
Napressuyte an asterisk of the tripoidny hinge on a power shaft
The key ring has to be recorded with the heard click, the asterisk has to adjoin to a key ring without gap.
Installation of a lock ring
Fig. 3.135. Installation of a lock ring: 1 – pincers (usual)
Enter from the back party of the Tripod hinge 70 g of lubricant for power shafts from a repair kit.
Slightly grease a swing body
You watch that bodies of swing did not warp.
By means of the plastic hammer get a hinge element on an asterisk of the tripoidny hinge.
Fig. 3.136. Installation of an element of the hinge on an asterisk of the tripoidny hinge
Drive the remained lubricant into a hinge boot.
You monitor the correct provision of a boot on a hinge element.
The protective cover has to be established in a flute on hinge case perimeter
Fig. 3.137. The provision of an element of the hinge at installation
Establish a hinge element on average situation. See min./max. situation (fig. 3.137).
At installation of a holder of the hinge in average situation let out the air from a hinge cover, for example, by means of the screw-driver.
Establish a collar.
That it was easier to install screws with an internal gear wreath in a head at installation of a power shaft, it is necessary that the eye 2 collars was between ledges (at a cut) a flange of 1 holder of the hinge (fig. 3.138).